Friday, September 11, 2009

It wasn't a vacation, it was a healing.

I am on the last day of my 10-days in Northern New Mexico. Let's see, what has changed?

I lost about 5 pounds.

I know what the next chapter of my professional life is going to be, and it will likely involve a relocation to near Portland, Oregon in late 2010. In 2009 I may relocate to Pecos, NM in pursuit of said goal in the interim. You'll hear more about this later.

I met (the person who may be) my life partner (related to above).

A lot more than that happened: I experienced the joy of friends coming together to make something happen for me. I had the delight of showing a dearly-beloved friend around some of the most beautiful country in the world (Northern New Mexico), and my friend "got it," and had a good time on her first visit to the US Southwest. I did everything I set-out to do, including the realization of several improbable circumstances in pursuit of said things to do. I had a lot of good food, a surprising amount of it home-made for me.

I found what is probably the best wine produced in New Mexico. They make enjoyable, drinkable wine, but it lacks the complexity of wine produced from grapes grown in places that should grow wine-making grapes. I love you guys, but there's no reason to make wine in New Mexico.

I completely let go of a desire to connect with an old girlfriend (who lives here, as best I know). Whew! It only took me 21 years to get over her.

I met some amazing people, had a weird "this is a small world moment" associated with one of them.

I drank a lot of tequila, ate a lot of NM chiles, and drank a lot of good coffee. I slept a lot. Watched a couple of good movies (Burn Before Reading among them) on DVD. I drove and drove and drove, something I like to do and don't get much chance.

I was at the summit of a 11,500 ft mountain. I sat by the Pecos river and had a good laugh, and a good cry.

I came to New Mexico not sure where I wanted my life to go. The process for selling my hospice began the week before I left. I was not enthusiastic about my career. I wasn't really even enthusiastic about the last half of my life.

Now I am.